Explore our algorithmic trading strategies
Our algorithmic strategies are some of the best in the world. Please watch the video and check out all the information and testimonials below. When you are ready, click "learn more" to find out about how to access our free trial access.
Note that our algorithmic trading strategies shown here, beat the returns of a strategy that was just buying and holding Bitcoin over the time frame. The green line is our strategy and the blue line is BTC itself..what's crazy about that, is that OUR ALGORITHMIC STRATEGY WAS TRADING BITCOIN WHEN IT BACKTESTED THESE RESULTS.
Notice how our algorithmic strategies gracefully miss the huge drawdown in 2022. The dotted line in the middle represents the buy in price. The green line is our strategies and the gray line is when BTC took a big dip in 2022. As you can see, our strategy completely dodges the downturn... THIS CHART SAYS IT ALL WHEN IT COMES TO RISK MITIGATION

Frequently asked questions
Why are there 3 algorithms?
Having 3 algorithms allows us to use the confluence of 3 different strategies to achieve a fully diversified portfolio within the crypto space.
Can I see the back-tested returns?
Absolutely, we have many back-tests on all 3 of our algorithmic trading models. We can discuss that at great length over a zoom meeting(so we can share our screen with you to show you many scenarios). We are happy to show our backtests to anyone as they illustrate how badly our products are destroying the "traditional investment returns" from the old school, archaic, investment banker scene on Wall Street.
Are your current customers making profit with these algorithms? Are these returns real? They seem too good to be true.
All of our claims are real. We have a significant amount of back-testing that our products have undergone, and they are going to continue to be tested in the future. We also have a large group of happy investors who never leave. In fact, most people double down their initial investments and then start to implement monthly investments. Our clients love these algorithmic trading models, as all of our models significantly out-perform Wall Street.
Are there any guarantees or free trials on these products?
We have a 1 month free trial...click on "learn more" to view the details of the free trial access.
How can I contact you?
You can reach us by [phone number/email address/contact form link]. We are always happy to answer your questions.
Do you use these products yourselves?
Absolutely! This is a family business, as such, it began with just our close friends and our family. We all not only have our money in these exact same algorithms, but we have all implemented monthly investments to further our exposure to these algorithms.
Client Success Stories...Hear from those who have transformed their financial future with Halfacre Research.
Cody Dorriety - Video Testimonial

Phil Pelucha - Video Testimonial
Michael Montgomery - Google Review
They have an amazing product and very insightful CEO Matt Halfacre! The value of any investment is directly reliant on two main factors the underlying architecture of the fund or platform it is built upon and the management team for said products. The Halfacre Research Institute has a really robust trading architecture that has been exceeding the markets while simultaneously being far less risky then traditional investment vehicles. The management team under founder Matt Halfacre is also phenomenal keeping up with ongoing trends and making sure their products continuing to use cutting edge technology to give the advantages typically only seen in larger trading groups with far less fees. This is a great long term investment opportunity for anyone looking to diversify their portfolios or add crypto in a safer more controlled fashion using cutting edge technology. 100% recommend and would advise everyone to contact them today about their investment opportunities!